If a firefighter requires you out, say yes. Here’s why:
1. Who doesn’t love a person (or girl) in consistent?
2. You will end up matchmaking a lifesaver.
3. Related to #2, firefighters tend to be professionals at mouth-to-mouth.
4. Firefighters tend to be taught to efficiently and quickly solve problems.
5. Firefighters don’t hightail it from tough circumstances.
6. Firefighters can actually sweep you off the feet. (They even cover that in training.)
7. You’ll be claiming yes to a local gay personals champion.
8. You could make somewhat unsuitable jokes on how hot he or she is actually.
9. With a days-on, days-off shift timetable, you will find sleep-in days at your home. Cuddle time!
10. Firefighters are taught to both stay peaceful and to help others settle down in times during the situation.
11. Firefighters are usually who is fit. That you do not see lots of calendars of topless accountants or online game builders.
12. They face the items you fear.
13. Firefighters are strong, physically and mentally. You can lean on it for support, physically and psychologically.
14. Firefighters have good reputations, seen as reliable and worth value. Parents is going to be pleased.
15. Firefighters regard safety regulations. You may never hang a dishtowel from your own range door once more.